At first I thought this meme was obnoxious. Now I'm glad I wrote it because I can paste it here in my blog to save for posterity. I can also add to the list. For those three of my readers who didn't see it when I posted it on Facebook, be amused, be annoyed, wonder who starts these things--but read on.
1. I am terrified of heights. This dates back to my study abroad in
2. My two biggest weaknesses are my temper (combined with my mouth) and procrastination. I have also been known to hold a grudge. I'm working on all of these. I don't think I've really yelled at anyone for a long time, but I have procrastinated a lot over the last month and I have a few grudges that need rooting out.
3. I watched the second plane hit the
4. I love Van Gogh's paintings. There is something intimate and personal about the pain and passion he expresses in his use of color and his brush strokes that I can't help connect on a visceral level. One of the most unique, stark, pained VanGogh paintings I've ever seen is in the
5. I have stress nightmares about transportation. I dream about being in flooded airports, being trapped on trains, racing across town to catch a flight, and organizing my driver's schedule. I had a premonition in a dream the night before
6. When I am in
7. If I could go anywhere in the world it would be
8. The Lord of the Rings Trilogy are the most influential books in my life and are also my favorite films. After I saw "The Return of the King," I told my friend Bethany that I was afraid that I had just seen the best film in my lifetime and it would be downhill from there. So far, I've been right. My favorite writer, however, is Jane Austen. I adore her and read her books over and over again. I have never been able to finish "
9. Living in
10. I have an idolatrous relationship with food, especially Italian food. I had a five cheese risotto in
11. I saw a naturopath, had acupuncture and did a nearly year long cleanse before Oprah made it trendy. At the time it was a good decision but I wept during a movie that featured a couple eating spaghetti believing that I might never have spaghetti Bolognese again. I have since re-embraced the world of dairy, chocolate, gluten, tomatoes, onions and citrus and I'm okay with that.
12. Speaking of Oprah... I hate Oprah Winfrey. I think she makes women feel bad who can't afford her favorite things.
13. I've never had a massage. I had my first pedicure three months before my 40th birthday and I despair over ever figuring out how to pluck my eyebrows so they look chic.
14. I will celebrate my 50th birthday by purchasing an expensive, classic purse--like Louis Vuitton--that I will have until I die. I will find my perfect pair of trousers, the perfect crisp, white starched blouse and procure a lovely Hermes scarf. This will be my uniform with a few important variations until I'm too old and senile to care.
15. I never thought I would be a good mother. Now I believe it is the thing I'm best at. I think I have the most extraordinary children in the world. They are brilliant, clever and far cooler than I could ever dream of being.
16. Pet Peeve: white kids who dress and talk like gangsters and hip-hop/rap videos. Especially if they're suburban white kids. Pet Peeve 2: People who mercilessly abuse the English language and fail to understand the meaning and power of their words. Pet Peeve 3: Being late.
17. I met my husband for the first time the summer before our Junior year in high school. We were introduced in the Republican cloakroom of the US Senate. I was a page; he was a returning page. I thought he was a smarmy punk in plaid Bermuda shorts. He thought I was a snob. Together we are yin and yang and it is AWESOME. I married the best guy in the world. Sorry everyone else--you'll have to settle for second best.
18. I have three honorary daughters: Bridget, Chelsea and Louisa.
19. I started university on a fine arts scholarship with the notion I would major in film studies. I changed majors at least five times before giving up, going to work and supporting my husband through his first years of university. I still haven't graduated, but I'm working on it.
20. I was born to parents who are members of The Church of Jesus-Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Mom's family converted when she was little; Dad had pioneer ancestors. I found my testimony of the truthfulness of the gospel when I went to
21. When I die, I hope Heaven looks like
22. I hate sunbathing. I get sunsick. I wear hats. I am beached whale pale. I, however, love the sun.
23. I have a weakness for sleazy celebrity gossip. It was a banner year with Lindsey Lohan and Britney Spears had their meltdowns. I listened to all of the OJ Simpson murder trial on the radio while I stripped wallpaper. Watching rich, famous and undeserving celebrities crack up brings me warped satisfaction. When Paris Hilton final crashes and burns, I'll be waving my pom-poms.
24. I love TV procedural dramas when I need to turn my brain off: Law & Order, Without a Trace, ER marathons on
25. Cooking is easy. Sleeping--for 7-8 hours, without disruptions--is hard.