Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Sick alert

No one who knows me would be the slightest bit surprised to learn that I have succumbed to whatever the twins had. I fought bravely, but tonight the oral thermometer showed 37.6C and that was it: I'm officially sick. I have the worst luck ever. Whenever anyone walks past me with a little bit of something respiratory, I end up sick. I've had years where I've had pneumonia two or three times in a season. My internist once told me that she suspects there is some defect in my immune system, that one day when we have presto DNA tests, would show up as some freakish mutation. In the meantime, pass the Kleenex and the Vicks Vap-O-Rub. But wait. I'm in Russia. Scratch that. I'll end up loading up on ibuprofen, sudafed and taking the metro down to Shuka mall to plead my case at the local apetka. "Ya gavaru panglisky. Ya Amerikanka. Minye bilayet kashlya. Oo vast yest soorup kashlya?" If they don't get my bad Russian, I will cough. Very loud. I am spending the night sitting up on the couch (it helps breathing). I'll go to the European Medical Center office tomorrow to plead for some kind of hard core cough medicine (preferably something with promethezine) and forget any hope of working on William the Conqueror essays. I really do want to get my homework done. I'm watching Discovery Travel and Living because it is the closest thing to TLC we have. I caught an episode of "Little People, Big World," a show that makes me insane, and it made me weepy. They were having a Beaverton parade, I saw the locals in their orange and black (Beaverton High colors) and it made me homesick. I don't think Westview would make me homesick. It might make me more sick. Twins have ACT on Saturday. Talk about a crap shoot. They've been sick for days and will still be recovering when the take the test. We'll be sending up big prayers that they'll make it through successfully. I may have to go all Jane D. on the BYU Admissions people if it doesn't work out ;) (You know I love you Jane!) In the meantime, LA Ink is on. Trashy, but doesn't make me homesick. Supposedly "What Not To Wear" is now on Discovery Travel and Living International. I can watch Stacey and Clinton and pretend I'm not in Russia, taking swigs of random cough medicines, hoping one of them works.


Mary said...

Hope you're feeling better. I'm sorry you have to be sick in a foreign language!

Bridget said...

NOOOOOO I'm so sorry! And you don't even have an overbearing Indian mother to stuff you full of chutney. I know this doesn't help much, but I'm sending you all the positive vibes I can muster. If I find any Vick's Vapo-Rub, I'll send it to you. And tell the twins good luck for me! I miss you, second family. I really do.

Grandma Linda said...

I loved catching up with you on your blog, believe it or not my memories of Moscow are still fresh and those memories really do make living back in the U.S. sweeter. Gratitude is always in my heart. However that gratitude is two fold grateful to be home, but most of all grateful that for 3 years my life was full of adventure and amazing friends. Suburbia is quite dull!
Miss you all!


Julie said...

Sorry you are sick. What a drag. Wish I was there (or rather, you were here) so I could bring you a keva and a big, fat, warm slice of bread from Great Harvest. That's what I like when I'm sick.

We're sending good vibes your way, get better fast!